pinterest analytics arent showing. pinterest stats currently unavailable. my pinterest analytics are blank. i think im banned on pinterest.

“Why can’t I see my Pinterest analytics anymore?”

AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER: I may earn a small amount of money from some of the products that I have mentioned in this post at no extra cost to you. Please find the full affiliate disclosure here.

So the craziest thing happened to me last night and I really thought of writing this article. Because I scoured the entire Internet and couldn’t find a proper solution. And I never want anyone else to go through the stress that I did.

What Actually Happened

When I clicked on a pin, it said “Pin stats currently unavailable”. When I looked at my analytics, it showed an error message. 

“Why can’t I see my Pinterest analytics anymore?” Pinterest analytics and stats error - Article on Smartiac by Ovini Nishadi
It didn’t show any stats.

I tried going through my PC – still nothing. It was all blank. As if I just started using Pinterest and have zero pins to show analytics of.

My analytics overview showed nothing. All blank. No graphs or anything at all.

And to top it all off, when I clicked on pins, I couldn’t see any stats anymore. Usually, I’d be so excited to open my pins to check how many clicks and saves I got today. But instead last night, nothing. I noticed this only at around 8 PM when I was about to schedule Pins for the next day. Couldn’t even sleep properly. I slept super sad because a large majority of traffic to my blog comes from Pinterest.

My audience insights showed nothing. “Not enough data to display”..

“Why do all my Pins show a dash?”

Me, in the middle of the night

I clicked on my Pin, it showed the stats (sigh of relief). When I closed the pin and opened it again, it shows a dash (loud gasp). I clicked many pins over and over, and the same exact thing happened. It came to the point I felt like just by clicking them, I was destroying my pins. I was super sad that I couldn’t see my stats.

“Why can’t I see my Pinterest analytics anymore?” Pinterest analytics and stats error - Article on Smartiac by Ovini Nishadi
How it looked when clicked the pin once
“Why can’t I see my Pinterest analytics anymore?” Pinterest analytics and stats error - Article on Smartiac by Ovini Nishadi
How it looked when I closed and reopened it

My Overthinking

Omg. This is it. I’m officially banned on Pinterest. I can no longer post pins. I will need to start finding another place to promote my business. My main traffic source is gone! I’m so done. This is what I felt when this all happened.

Me, for many many hours.

The Solution


You just have to wait it out. I’m like 97.6% sure that this is caused by a glitch in Pinterest. I accidentally woke up at around 1 AM (which is around 5 hours later) and then it was all back to normal! I didn’t do anything at all. All I did was wait it out. 

^This is how my analytics looks right now

So don’t be stressed. Why can’t I see my Pinterest analytics anymore? It’s just a glitch! Just find a way to distract yourself if you find yourself stressing about this – go work on something else. Check back a few hours later (My recommendation is to wait at least 5 hours because that’s how long it took for me). And even after reading all of this, if you still find yourself asking “Why can’t I see my Pinterest analytics anymore?”, then you can try contacting Pinterest support or their help center.

Big and Bold High Converting Pinterest Pins - Smartiac by Ovini Nishadi

If you’re someone who experienced something similar, let all future readers know if this article helped you. Feel free to explain your exact issue and if you managed to get it fixed. If another article helped you to fix it, please help my readers find it by mentioning it in the comments! If you want to follow me on Pinterest, check out my profile here: Ovini Nishadi

Also, if you’re looking for someone to help manage your Pinterest account, I’ve got you!

As always, don’t stress! Have an amazing day.

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