Why Your Business Needs A Pinterest Manager

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Everyone lately has been talking about ‘Pinterest Managers’ and our calendars lately have been filled with people asking questions around the topic and if their business needs one. So I’m here to tell you everything you need to know about the topic. Below is exactly what you can expect to know from this article. Feel free to read the entire article or click on the topics to jump to the section you’re looking for ~

  1. Who is a Pinterest Manager?
  2. What do Pinterest Managers do?
  3. How much does it cost?
  4. What’s the ROI?
  5. Why your business absolutely needs a Pinterest manager?
  6. How you can get a Pinterest Manager for your business?

Who is a Pinterest Manager?

A Pinterest manager is like your personal wizard for all things Pinterest. It’s that magical someone who takes the reins of your Pinterest game, so you don’t have to stress about it.

Think of them as the architects of your Pinterest world. They’re the ones who create and design those eye-catching pins that make people stop scrolling and go, “Whoa, what’s this?” They know the ins and outs of when to post, what to post, and how to get your brand noticed in the vast Pinterest universe.

But it’s not just about making pretty pictures. A Pinterest manager dives deep into the Pinterest realm, figuring out the best keywords to make sure your pins pop up when people are searching. They’re like SEO experts, but for Pinterest!

They’re on top of the trends, always in the loop on what’s hot and what’s not. And oh, they’re the friendly faces responding to comments, building a community around your brand. It’s like having a social media superhero dedicated to your Pinterest success.

And here’s the best part – a Pinterest manager isn’t just about the creative stuff. They’re numbers nerds too, constantly checking analytics to see what’s working and tweaking things to make sure your Pinterest presence is always on the up and up.

So, in a nutshell, a Pinterest manager is your go-to person to make Pinterest work its magic for your business. They handle the technical, the creative, and everything in between, so you can sit back, relax, and watch your Pinterest dreams come to life! 

Maybe a bit more insight on exactly what a Pinterest manager takes care of might give you a better idea.

What do Pinterest Managers do?

Below I’ve listed the things we will take care of for you. As you read, I’d like you to think about how much time and money it would take if you were to do this yourself.

1. Strategic Pinning

We strategically create and pin content that perfectly aligns with your brand, ensuring consistent engagement with your audience. We’re all about pinning at the optimal times to skyrocket your visibility and reach on Pinterest.

2. Content Creation

Our forte is content creation – we craft pins that are not only eye-catching but also highly shareable, resonating deeply with your target audience. Plus, we make sure there’s a consistent and visually appealing aesthetic for your brand across Pinterest.

3. Keyword Optimization

We conduct meticulous keyword research to optimize your pins for Pinterest’s search algorithm. Our SEO strategies work like magic to enhance the discoverability of your content.

4. Analytics Monitoring

We’re on top of it with analytics monitoring. Keeping a close watch on Pinterest analytics, we identify trends and areas for improvement. Based on data insights, we tweak strategies to give your performance a continuous boost.

5. Community Engagement

Community engagement is a specialty of ours. We actively respond to comments and messages, building strong connections within your Pinterest community. Plus, we’re out there building relationships with other pinners to expand your network and reach.

6. Trend Analysis

Trends are our playground. We stay updated on Pinterest trends and seamlessly incorporate them into your strategy. Your content remains fresh, always aligned with current Pinterest user preferences.

7. Board Management

We will curate and organize your boards, creating a visually appealing and user-friendly profile. Utilizing group boards and collaborations, we broaden your Pinterest presence, making you stand out.

8. Ad Campaign Management

When it comes to ad campaign management, we’re the experts. Designing and executing paid advertising campaigns that guarantee maximum ROI. And yes, we’re constantly monitoring and adjusting ad performance to optimize results over time.

9. Algorithm Adaptation

We’re all about algorithm adaptation. Staying informed and proactive, we ensure your strategies align with the latest Pinterest algorithm changes. Your content stays compliant, effective, and ahead of the game.

10. But the biggest most important thing we take care of is, your Time Efficiency

We will help to free up your time to focus on core business activities and handle all the Pinterest nitty-gritty. You’ll also get to avoid the learning curve and trial-and-error process that often comes with managing Pinterest independently.

How much does a Pinterest Manager cost?

Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest needs around 10 to 20+ pins per day to get a good momentum going. The higher the number of pins you put out daily, the more content there is to circulate in the platform. 

It’s true.

At Smartiac, we have packages ranging from 200 USD to 1500+ USD.

Of course, if your budget doesn’t allow it, there’s no harm in starting off with just 2-3 pins per day. But the most important thing is consistency. The way we’ve structured our pricing is such that anyone can get started with Pinterest.

Smartiac - Pinterest Management Agency Rates & Pricing

The package price is directly proportional to the number of pins that get designed and posted on a daily basis. So the higher the investment, the more pins that get posted daily

Apart from that, everything else is a done deal. We cover account optimization, board management, community growth and management, scheduling, reporting, ads management and all the other Pinterest-related good stuff, regardless of which package you get for your business.

For just around 1,000 USD, you can really get some good stuff on the platform – and guess what? 

It’s still way cheaper than hiring a full-time employee!

What about the Return On Investment (ROI)?

Now, let’s talk results. Pinterest takes a bit of time to notice, around 4 months, but stick with us for a one-year journey, and you’ll see those views skyrocket in no time.

Trust the process and watch the magic happen.

Our Success Stories

  • A client from Australia jumped from 200 monthly views to a jaw-dropping 200,000 in just 4 months! That’s 1000 times the views – imagine what that could do for your business!
  • Over in Singapore, we took a personal blog from 350 monthly views to an incredible 16,750 in just 6 months. (They finally managed to get Mediavine (a premium ads agency) approval!) Imagine your message reaching thousands more people – it’s possible!
  • From 20 email subscribers to a whopping 11,000+ in 10 months for a client focused on newsletters. That’s a permanent community that’s here to stay and eager to hear from you.
  • For a Malaysian clothing brand, we quadrupled their sales, and a whopping 80%+ came from Pinterest. Sales boost, anyone?
  • In the US, a lovely couple started selling ceramic mugs from their garage. Fast forward 3+ years, and they now own a two-story building with 5+ full-time employees! They’re also our longest contract ever– still going strong!

So why does your businesses need a Pinterest Manager?

In short- it’s because it’s the golden ticket for your business growth. 

Remember our client who managed to grow their newsletter audience? That audience is permanent. Her sales are soaring, and the business is continuously on the upswing. So a Pinterest manager can really drive up your business growth. You just need to tell us the direction you want to go (or where you’d like your business to be in the next 1 year). This is enough for us to come up with a custom strategy for your business to reach those targets.

Ready to Invest in a Pinterest Manager? 

Invest in a Pinterest manager, trust the ride, and let us turn your dreams into Pins. Smartiac is here to make it happen. 

We manage the Pinterest accounts of multiple established businesses and drive traffic from it directly to their websites, stores or landing pages. If you want to know what it might be like to work with us, drop us an email at hello@smartiac.org. We’ll send you a custom proposal! Happy pinning!

Here’s more pin-tastic articles for you!

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