How To Get More Followers On Instagram In 2023

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When it comes to growing on Instagram, a factor that highlights ‘growth’ is the number of followers you have on your Instagram account. ‘How to get more followers on Instagram’ is one of the biggest questions on every business’s problems list in 2023. The higher the number of followers, the better your brand. Or at least, that’s how it used to be. In 2023 however, it’s no longer the case.

With the possibility of ‘purchasing’ followers for social media platforms, businesses and individuals can now increase their follower count overnight. And customers are fully aware of this! Instagram users now check the ‘likes count’ against the ‘follower count’ and uses this ratio to gauge the authenticity and popularity of the brand. This makes ‘buying followers’ the worst possible choice ever.

What you need in order to grow on Instagram is an organic follower base. How you can increase your follower count on Instagram organically is what I’ll be explaining in this article.

1. Share valuable content

Post valuable, high-quality, engaging content that reflects your brand and resonates with your target audience. If you share content that your audience does not relate to, it’s useless to them. This will make your audience not want to follow you. Sharing valuable content that your audience would find useful will make them want to follow you for more.

2. Use hashtags

Use relevant hashtags in your posts and stories to make your content discoverable to a wider audience. This does not mean that you should flood your caption with hashtags. Find five to ten hashtags that represent your post or your business and add them to your caption. This will make it much easier for your potential followers to find you.

3. Use all Instagram features

If you only share posts on your Instagram account, your followers would find it really boring. Instead, try using Instagram’s various features, such as Instagram Stories, IGTV, and Instagram Live, to connect with your audience. This will give them a behind-the-scenes look at your brand. It will also liven up your Instagram as there will be no empty sections!

4. Engage with your followers

One of the biggest reasons why your follower count doesnt go up could be because your existing followers keep unfollowing you. Users unfollow for many reasons and one of them is due to lack of engagement. The best way to keep your followers engaged with your brand is to engage with them directly. Engage with your followers and other users on the platform by commenting on their posts and responding to their comments on your own posts. This will make them feel closer to you as you’re acknowledging their presence and is building a personal connection with them.

5. Do more collaborations

Collaborations are an important part of organic growth. When you collaborate with other users, you’re exposing your brand to their audience. This will help you increase your visibility by a large amount in a short amount of time. Collaborate with personalities who have a large and engaged following. This will help you to maximize your collaboration efforts and return-on-investment (if any).

6. Run Instagram ads

Getting more followers on Instagram in 2023 can be a little tricky. One other way that you can grow your followers is by running ads on Instagram. Utilize Instagram’s paid promotion options to reach a targeted audience. This will help you to reach an audience beyond your reach in a short amount of time. When your business is continuously exposed to users, the chances of them following you increases.

7. Post regularly and consistently

One of the biggest let-downs is when you follow a page and they never post after that. In order to be successful on Instagram, you will need to post regularly and consistently. Have a schedule and follow the schedule closely. This will help more users to find you and will help your brand to stay on top of your followers minds. Do not oversaturate your followers’ feeds, though. Because if you post too often, they will get annoyed and might unfollow you. So make sure to have a balanced posting schedule and follow it closely.


By following these tips, you can increase your visibility on Instagram and attract more followers to your account. If you follow them closely, this is exactly how to get more followers on Instagram in 2023. If you have any tips that you use to increase your followers on Instagram, do share with us in the comments. My readers and I love to know the thoughts of other readers!

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