How To Post Video Pins On Pinterest | Full Guide

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We heard you! and We’ve got your back! with this complete easy guide on how to post videos on Pinterest, along with tips for creating engaging Video Pins and designing high-quality Pins. This is the only guide you’ll ever need!

Here’s what we’ll cover in this article:

On Pinterest, the most basic benefit is to drive traffic to your website or to get users to visit affiliate links. Traffic is the goal. But there are so many other factors that have to come into play before traffic can be gained. Engagement, for example, is probably by far the most crucial factor. And how do you attract engagement? Video pins and idea pins. These are two of the simplest ways. Of course there are other ways as well. Things like following other users and commenting on pins can help improve engagement levels as well. But nothing works like video pins for engagement.

Let me show you why and exactly how it’s done.

Step-By-Step Guide On How To Post Video Pins

Step 1: Log In

Basically just type in your username or email and log into Pinterest with your details.

Step 2: Creating Pin

At the top left hand corner of your screen, you will see an icon that says “Pinterest ” in cursive font, press on that. At this point, you will see columns of many different topics. Click on create and then on create pin.

Step 3: Choosing A Video

Now, you will have reached the page to create and publish your pin. Start by clicking on the empty template provided for you to place your designed pin in. You can drag your downloads onto this spot or you can upload your designs by pressing on “upload images or a video”.

Step 4: Adding Details

On your pin, you will be able to choose a board, a title, a description, alternate text, a destination link, a date and even a specific time to schedule your pin to be posted if you would like. Ensure that you pin to the correct boards with correct links attached. This is crucial for driving traffic to your website.

Step 5: Publish It! 

The last step is literally just 1 click away. Press on the big red button named “Publish”. And that is it! You’ve uploaded a video pin! 

Tips To Follow When Posting Video Pins: 

Tip 1: Video Length

Ensure that your video is kept between 6 and 15 seconds. This is Pinterest’s recommended length for all video pins. But my personal tip to you, is to keep it about 5 to 10 seconds max. This is because of how short a viewer’s attention span is, about 4 seconds. So make full use of these few seconds.

Tip 2: Aspect Ratio 

The aspect ratio sort of varies between static pins and video pins. The recommended ratio by Pinterest is a 1:1 or 2:3 ratio for video Pins.

Tip 3: Attractive Thumbnails

When posting your video pin, you can actually drag which part of the video you would like to be shown as the cover of the pin, or you can even upload a completely different image onto the pin as your thumbnail. This thumbnail will be what Pinterest users see as the first 2 seconds as they are scrolling. So it’s really important to create video pins with attractive thumbnails.

Tip 4: Engaging Descriptions

Your descriptions are really important. Crafting a keyword-rich description can really help with SEO. Because of how Pinterest is a visual search engine, it heavily relies on text to understand what your pins are about. So ensure that your pins have the right keywords and information in order to promote engagement with your Video Pins.

Tip 5: Creating Relevant Boards

Next, reach the right audiences. The fastest way to do this is to be pinning your pins to the correct boards. Boards usually attract audiences of people looking for bulks of the same type of information.

For example, someone looking for nail art design ideas would follow a board about nail art designs. Apply the same concept to your boards and your content. Make sure that you name your boards with proper keyword research and your video pins will be reaching the proper audiences.

Tip 6: Quantity

There isn’t really a fixed number of pins you should or shouldn’t post. However, I suggest you try to post at least 2 video pins a day along with your static pins.

Personally, I post about 12 static pins and 3 video pins daily and this has helped my engagement levels and traffic grow insanely. 


How To Design A High Quality Video Pin

Designing can be really fun. Especially when you’re using the right tools for it. Personally, I make all my Pins on Canva. It makes the process of following all the tips I mentioned earlier so much easier.

With Canva, I’ve been able to design Video pins that have text overlay with animations and even static pins with the most high quality images and graphics. It’s the easiest platform I have come across for Pinterest. You can even turn a static pin into a video pin just by adding an animation to some of the text that you have on your static pins. It’s great! 

And that’s how you post video on Pinterest!

That is how you design, post and optimize your video pins on Pinterest. Super easy, super efficient and super fun!

Remember, video pins are a great way to build engagement on your Pinterest which will then drive traffic to your websites, so don’t skip out on video pins! 


If you’re too caught up with everything that’s going on and have no time to focus on your Pinterest, let me. I manage the Pinterest accounts of multiple established businesses and drive traffic from it directly to their websites, stores or landing pages. If you want to know what it might be like to work with me, drop me an email at I’ll send you a custom proposal! Happy pinning!

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