Top 6 Reasons Why You Need Pinterest For Businesses

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Fact: It is crucial to have Pinterest for businesses.

While there are many different platforms that businesses need to be actively involved in, in order to build their customer base and get more sales, Pinterest is one of the tools that is often underestimated and overlooked.

No lie – even I didn’t believe in Pinterest when I first started my blog. I had never even used Pinterest when I started blogging. I only started using Pinterest a few months into my blog, as I had never used or heard of the power of Pinterest before. So believe me when I say, Pinterest can do wonders for your business.

Before we jump into why Pinterest is a need for businesses, let’s take a look at what Pinterest is.

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is an image-based search engine that is most commonly categorized as a social media platform (But it isn’t. It’s a search engine – like google). It is widely used to search for visual inspiration or information when looking for specific answers. Pinterest has a massive audience of 430+ million monthly active users. While other social media platforms put a lot of focus on improving the follower bases and the one-on-one communication of users, Pinterest puts more focus on delivering the best result to the users’ search term (just like a search engine does) for users to share it with their friend groups. This feature, specifically, puts Pinterest at the top when it comes to driving traffic to small businesses.

What is a Pinterest Business account?

Pinterest Business account is one of the two types of Pinterest accounts: Pinterest personal and Pinterest business.

While Pinterest personal has everything you need to do your own personal business, Pinterest business offers several tools that can really allow you to track your business growth online. Most of the Pinterest benefits that I will be talking about in this article are only accessible to Pinterest Business accounts. So I highly recommend that if you haven’t yet, definitely go and convert your Pinterest account to a business Pinterest account.

So let’s get into the 6 reasons why your business needs to be on Pinterest and how it can help your business (tremendously!).

1. Increased brand awareness

When you join Pinterest as a business account, you’ll be able to put your own branded header, and profile image, together with a link to your website in your bio itself. This way, Pinterest is able to increase your brand awareness massively! Once Pinterest recognizes that your pins (Pinterest images) start getting a lot of attention, it will rank your pins and profile higher so that more users will be able to find your business on Pinterest.

2. Large amounts of free business traffic

As I mentioned before, Pinterest has a massive audience – 430+ million monthly active users. Once you put pins out there on the platform, you’re making them visible to that massive audience. One thing you should know is, that Pinterest allows you to attach a link to every single pin you create. This means that if you share a pin that says “how to write a blog post”, anyone who is interested to find out, can simply click the image to read your article. Anyone who finds your pins attractive or useful will be able to click the pin and visit your blog just to check out what it’s all about. This means that once you build your accounts’ brand awareness, every single day, you will have an audience that sees your business content consistently! Imagine the amount of free business traffic you’ll get once you’ve been an active Pinterest user for a few months!

3. Pinterest audience has a higher buying potential

Pinterest, compared to all the other social media platforms out there, has the highest user buying potential. This is not necessarily because the audience’s income is higher, but because of the purchase intention of the users of Pinterest. According to statistics, 80% of Pinterest users browse pins with the intention to make a purchase or to get inspiration in order to make a purchase. This single factor makes Pinterest the #1 platform for businesses to be on if they wish to increase sales.

4. Free lifetime promotion

Fact #1: Once you put a pin on Pinterest, it is there, searchable forever.

Once your pins are out there, there is no stopping them. If anyone on Pinterest ever finds your pins attractive or interesting, they will definitely save or re-pin them (share them). Another interesting habit you should be aware of is, that Pinterest is addictive! It’s impossible to stop you from pinning to your boards. This means that your business will continue to drive traffic long after you’ve shared your pin. This is also called having evergreen content. This type of content remains visible to people over long periods of time.

Tip: Sharing multiple pin designs on the same topic/ product will increase the chances of your audience seeing your content.

5. Higher internal linkage to your business website

As I mentioned earlier, you’re able to put a link to each and every pin on your profile. This means that the more pins you link with your website, the more internal linkages you build for it. Creating more and more beautiful pins linked to your website will continue increasing the internal linkages and is more likely to be found and ranked higher.

6. Ability to conduct better market research

Pinterest allows you to see what sort of pins your audience saves or re-pins. You can also visit your audiences’ profiles and see what sort of boards they have created or joined to get an idea of exactly what sort of pins they’re attracted to. This means that you’ll always be able to do your research to find out exactly what interests your audience and what type of content your audience likes to see. You can use this information to decide from which angle you can use to attract your audience’s attention.

To summarize, the top 6 reasons why you need Pinterest for businesses are:

  1. Increased brand awareness
  2. Large amounts of free business traffic
  3. Pinterest audience with higher buying potential
  4. Free lifetime promotion
  5. Higher internal linkages to your business website
  6. Ability to conduct better market research

Bonus Tip To Grow Your Business On Pinterest

As a full-time blogger, I can tell you one thing – consistency is key. You need to be consistent if you want to grow on Pinterest.

In order to be consistent, you need to have optimum posting schedules for each platform you use. For example, for Instagram, you need to post at least once every three days to be considered ‘active’. Similarly, if you want to be active on Pinterest, you’ll need to pin many times per day (at least 10). So consistency on this platform is a must. And specifically for Pinterest, you need to be super consistent. But I never have any problems with this, all thanks to Tailwind.

Tailwind is an app that helps me to create the pins I want, it researches the best times to post (based on my audience demographics) and schedules them so that I won’t ever have to set alarms to share my pins. I no longer schedule pins on a daily, and instead, spend 2 – 3 hours per month, scheduling the entire month’s pins, all at once. It saves me a ton of time and effort. While tailwind has a free-forever option, If you want to give upgraded Tailwind a shot, here is a free 30 days of Tailwind from me to you.


While having your business on multiple platforms is powerful, it is important to remember that different platforms have different strengths. It is our duty, as business owners, to make sure that we do proper research and be actively involved in all these platforms.

I hope this article helped you to understand why Pinterest is important for businesses! If you had any doubts, I hope you managed to get them clarified after reading this. Still having doubts? – shoot me an email at (my personal email) or drop me a message on Instagram. without hesitation. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can and help you out.

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