How to Get Followers On Pinterest in 2024?

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As a blogger, the first thing I come to Pinterest for is to drive traffic to my own website. And then came the factor of needing to up my engagement levels and after that I needed to up my follow count. There’s always something to be improving on Pinterest. That’s because it’s the ideal platform to use as the middleman towards making profit online. Pinterest is a search engine that focuses mainly on Pictorial advertising and that’s why it’s so great. So today, let me share with you some tips I’ve gathered on how to get followers on Pinterest. 

Here’s a quick overview on how we can get more followers on Pinterest

  1. Post Regularly
  2. Post Quality Content
  3. Pin to Boards
  4. Use Pinterest Sections
  5. Use Infographics
  6. Follow Competitors’ Followers
  7. Use Good SEO & Hashtags
  8. Introduce all other Socials on Pinterest
  9. Use Rich Pins

Here are 9 tips on how you can get Followers on Pinterest in 2024

1. Post Regularly

This part is really important to make sure that you prove to the Pinterest algorithm that your Pinterest page is an active one. Pinterest then gives your page priority over dead pages. Using a calendar can also be very helpful. It keeps you informed of what you have posted, what needs to be posted and what you’ll probably need to look forward to posting in the near future. It’s a great way to stay organized and stay on track. 

Personally, I post about 10 to 12 pins a day minimum. It has really helped keep my page active. Sometimes it’s good to have a variety of pin types posted. I like to post about 10 static pins and 2 video pins daily. This is mainly because video pins build engagement levels while static pics are best for driving traffic to your website. If you want to learn more about what each pin type is best for, give my article on different types of pins a read.

2. Post Quality Content

This part is particularly important. On Pinterest, the basic trend is to be attractive to what pleases the eyes. Meaning higher quality images and convincing titles and descriptions. The best tip I can give quality wise is to use Canva for designing your pins. It has all the necessary functions and tools you need to create the ideal pins. Also make sure that all your pins are of 1500 x 1000 quality. Anything lower and Pinterest would not bring your pins to the top. For titles and descriptions, ensure that you’ve used good SEO when forming them, this helps reach the right audiences.

3. Pin to Boards 

This is pretty basic. Pinning your pins to boards is a given but pinning other people’s content helps too. Maybe looking for a couple of Pinterest pages that are doing well and pinning their content to your boards can drive attention to your boards too. Of course, make sure that the content that you’re pinning is related to the content you want your pins to be about.

4. Use Pinterest Sections 

This is a new feature that Pinterest recently introduced. It’s a way to section out content into different parts inside of your boards. It’s helped me stay way more organized with my Pinning content and I’ve attracted way more attention on my Pinterest too. I think people in general just appreciate neatly organized content. It just gives a sense of relief and happiness to see organized content.

5. Use Infographics 

Infographics are a much better way to bring statistics to your audience without boring them. It’s way more fun and attractive and way less cluttered. It required much less words to bring an idea across to the user. Infographics are what’s in right now and you should definitely get in on it too if you’re looking to grow your follower base on Pinterest.

6. Follow Competitors’ Followers

Now bare with me for a minute. I know this sounds like a unusual method but it really is a pretty solid way to gain followers. For example, if you’re doing a nail business and you’re managing a Pinterest to promote your nail business, then following the followers on a very well known Pinterest page that is promoting work along the same lines as you will help. Ultimately, both accounts have the same target audience.

7. Use Good SEO & Hashtags

SEO is your way to reach target audiences. Once you’ve got a good research done of what people are looking for, it won’t be hard to give them exactly that! And then there’s hashtags. Although a lot of people overlook hashtags these days, know that using the proper keywords in your hashtags can really milk Pinterest for your audience with it. I suggest using about 3 to 4 hashtags per pin that you post.

8. Introduce All Other Socials On Pinterest

May not seem like much but if you really look into it, you’ll realize that even you yourself tend to see a little sense of dedication, reliability and sort of a ‘verified’ sense coming from accounts that have their socials shown on their pins and Pinterest pages. Weird, I know. But it works and that’s all that matters! I have put up my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts on my Pinterest, which I think should suffice if you’re wondering how many to be putting up.

9. Use Rich Pins!!!

So last but not least, we have rich pins. Rich pins are a feature only available when you use Pinterest for Business. The Pinterest Algorithm gives priority to rich pins. That’s exactly why if you want your pins to be seen by more people, you should definitely create and post some rich pins too. Itching larger audiences directly improves your chances of growing your followers on Pinterest.

And Voila! Now you know how to get followers on Pinterest!!!

Now you are fully equipped with exactly what you need to start growing your followers on Pinterest by masses. Take each step into account and remember to stay consistent with it as well. 

If you’re too caught up with everything that’s going on and have no time to focus on your Pinterest, let me. I manage the Pinterest accounts of multiple established businesses and drive traffic from it directly to their websites, stores or landing pages. If you want to know what it might be like to work with me, drop me an email at I’ll send you a custom proposal! Happy pinning!

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