Smartiac Article - Carousel Pins On Pinterest - What Are They & How To Create Them

Carousel Pins On Pinterest: What Are They & How To Create Them?

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Yes! Carousel Pins on Pinterest Exists! and I am about to tell you what you are missing out on creating these for your own Pinterest profile!

Here’s what we will cover!

As the marketing game gains popularity, it can get hard to get your full ideas across to your Pinterest audience with the 1 image or video. And that is exactly what Carousel Pins come in handy for! Pinterest has saved the day once again by introducing the feature of Carousel Pins onto Pinterest. With these pins, you can give more information about your product, service or blog article to Pinterest users as just 1 pin. It’s such an easy process and it’s super efficient and convenient. 

There are only a few steps to understand before you can be on your way to posting amazing Carousel Pins, let me show you how it’s done.

What Are Carousel Pins?

Carousel Pins are basically a collection of multiple images in a carousel order. This was Pinterest’s aim towards allowing businesses to promote their products with more images of their features and angles of the product. This was with the hopes of giving Pinterest Users more information about the product which would ultimately gain clicks and sales for the business. 

Carousel Pins are great for advertising or showing a wide variety of products or even ideas. 

Many people tend to ignore Carousel Pins when they post on Pinterest. Personally, I feel this is a big mistake because in my experience,

It has gained me a lot more engagement on my pins, and of course, more traffic.

Why You Need Carousel Pins

1. Display More With Less

This means, you’ll be able to showcase more about your products without having to post them as many different separate pins. Carousel Pins allow you to let your target audience know everything they need to know about your product with just 1 longer pin, a Carousel Pin! 

2. Drive Traffic

Like I mentioned earlier, 1 big mistake many people make is how they look past the Carousel Pin and just stick to video and static pins. If you didn’t already know, the Pinterest algorithm requires more than just consistent posting to drive traffic to your websites or Pinterest pages. It requires high levels of engagement and that’s what Carousel Pins are perfect for.

Just like video pins, Carousel pins also promote higher levels of engagement on your page. Idea pins used to be the queen of this but ever since idea pins died off, video and carousel pins have been the savior.

3. Make Your Brand Story Deeper

If you are looking to attract a larger audience to what you’re trying to advertise, Carousel Pins help. For example, if you’re writing short stories or poetry, making a carousel pin of up to 5 slides with your brand story can definitely help your audience connect with your brand.

Depending on whatever your goal may be for using Pinterest, Carousel pins ensure that your Pinterest page is full of diverse information.

4. Really Great For Step-By-Step Display

If you post recipes or DIY procedures on Pinterest, Carousel Pins were literally made FOR YOU!

These will save your life a ton! You no longer have to go through the hassle of cramping tons of information into 1 pin or leaving out any important pieces of information when posting your pins. You can now accumulate all that information from a set of different pins explaining the same recipe, idea or procedure. Convenient isn’t it?

How To Create A Carousel Pin On Pinterest

Step 1: Design & Prepare Your Images

First step is to make sure you have a collection of 2-5 pins ready to be turned into a Carousel Pin. ensure that all these pins best showcase the purpose of which you are posting the carousel pin for. Add text overlay if needed. 

I personally like to use Canva to design and save my images and videos. They maintain a quality of 1500×1000 and I can easily save them in either PNG or JPG format with a 1:1 or 2:3 ratio. These are little tips that I feel help you beat the Pinterest Algorithm so definitely give Canva a try!

Step 2: Upload All Your Images

Upload the first of your 2-5 images as a pin on “create pin”. Then, after uploading the first image, click on “create Carousel” and just do the same for the rest of the images. Once done, don’t forget to tap on the little check box on the corner if you want to maintain the same text and URL for each of the slides on the Carousel Pin.

Step 3: Arrange & Fill In Your Pin Details

This part is pretty important. Pinterest really relies on a lot of the text you put into your pins and descriptions to understand what your pins are about. This is all because of how Pinterest is a visual search engine. So make sure you really make use of Keywords here.

This is also where you can either remove an image or rearrange the order of the images on your Carousel Pin. 

Step 4: Select The Relevant Board

Last but not least, select the right board to be posting your Carousel Pin onto. Boards are really important and you should be aiming to grow the audience of each of your boards. This will slowly bring your audience, engagement and traffic to an upward exponential graph once you’ve invited other Pinterest users to post on your boards and grown your boards significantly. And then, Publish! 

Now you are a Pinterest Carousel Expert!

That is everything you need to know about Carousel Pins and how to post them. Wasn’t that complicated after all huh? Now you’re fully equipped with exactly all the information you need to be efficiently promoting anything you want on Pinterest with Carousel Pins.

If you’re too caught up with everything that’s going on and have no time to focus on your Pinterest, let us. We manage the Pinterest accounts of multiple established businesses and drive traffic from Pinterest directly to their websites, stores or landing pages. If you want to know what it might be like to work with us, get in touch with us!

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