
What are Gems?

Gems can be collected by doing actions within Smartiac. The ways that you can collect Gems are listed below. Once you’ve collected enough Gems, you can trade them for rewards!

Conversion Rate

1 Gem = $0.04

25 Gems = $1

How to earn Gems

Before you can start earning Gems, you’ll need to create a Smartiac account. If you already have an account, you may proceed to login.

There are several ways to earn Gems on Smartiac. The number of Gems you will earn (or lose) from each action is listed beside it. 

  • Registering as a member/guest author (+50 Gems)
  • Daily Login (+3 Gems)
  • Daily Site Visit (+3 Gems)
  • Reading Articles (+2 Gems each)
  • Viewing Pages (+2 Gems each)
  • Commenting – rewarded once comment gets approved (+4 Gems) 
  • Spam Comments (-5 Gems)
  • Trashed Comments (-1 Gem)
  • Clicking on Links (+2 Gems)
  • Liking Content (+2 Gems)
  • Leaving Product Reviews (+10 Gems each)
  • Publishing Articles as a Guest Author (+100 Gems)

When you earn Gems, you will get a notification on your screen that you’ve earned new Gems.

What are Ranks?

Each member is assigned a rank depending on the total number of Gems they have earned in Smartiac. Each rank will be given freebies and rewards occasionally to celebrate milestones. The higher your rank, the bigger the rewards you’ll get!

The ‘Rare’ Rank

This rank is for members who have just signed up with Smartiac. Any member who has between 0 Gems and 499 Gems will fall under this rank.

The ‘Epic’ Rank

This rank is for members who have between 500 Gems and 999 Gems.

The ‘Legendary’ Rank

This rank is for members who have earned more than 1,000 Gems on Smartiac. They’re from the highest rank on Smartiac and will regularly receive bonuses and a free sample of every product introduced by Smartiac.

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